Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is our teaching ministry,together with the local church staff and sometimes without I teach those children which cannot afford to go to school because of the Lack of finances or simply because the parents do not care ,the are addicted with drugs or alcohol.
But the Lord Jesus Christ is never turning a child away or neclects one of them ,
remember the story in the Bible about the Lost sheep,
neither do we in our Mission for the precious children in the world.
So I started a little Preschool myself in an open classroom in the squatter and we teach once a week the children in the Garbage Area ,that teaching is to support the Pastor swife who started this long time ago.
Only in the other squatter I started my owm preschool with the help of the Almigthy Father.
The LOrd Jesus put inmy heart to teach them English ,Math,reading ,writing and most important I teach about our LOrd Jesus ,what a special friend he is
I also teach hygene awareness.
We also sing songs and play the Gospel train ,travel to Jerusalem.
We organize Birth certificates for the children in order fro them to excist and later to be able to go to a real school.
Many children have no identification because there are no papers .If the parents die there no proof about who they are,I just breaks my heart.
Every Child deserves to have Dignity an Idenity, it starts with a name and Birth certificates
We are organizing papers togehter we our local partners we go to the National Statistic Office and get there Idenity papers.
We also pray and we are thankful to get and have sponsors for our mission and for schooling and uniforms.We are praying that this mission will never stop to give those Children all children a proper education whereever them from.

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