Friday, January 29, 2010

Our worldwide Mission and charity is to share with these precious children with whatever talent and blessings given to us through our heavenly father.
We care for every indivitual person and child we come agross with,like these our children in the Philippines or South Africa or elsewhere.
We dedicate our lifes to be the salt and the light like what Christ Jesus is to us.
These pictures show some of our areas we serve and reach out .
I think none of us likes likes to see children picking the garbage or abanded and neclect.
All of us wanna be fed,clothed , sheltered ,Loved and accepted.
That `s what we do we share ,trying the best we can because our Father in heaven gives us his best his son Christ Jesus the Lord.

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reaching out to my little Philippino brothers and sisters

treating the wounds of my little brother

sharing the Love of Christ to the Children through Biblestory`s and Christian Pamplets

feeding my little brothers and sisters

thank you our dear Mission partners for your prayers and support

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