Thursday, January 21, 2010

This picture shows Jackilyn

Our of our worldwide missions is to provide Identification papers like Birthcerticates and sponsership for those precious Children .Those Children have no Identification when their parents die no one knows really when they are born what is their proper name.
We organize these papers and provide sponsers for the poorest of the poor .
Jackilyn didn´t go to school there was no money her parents were in despair .
Tears run down her face (and mine ,too) when I asked her about schooling.

She wanted to go but had no money and opportunity so our heavenly Father inspired me to start my own preschool in this place Isla delta Philippines.

So in 2006 I started my preschool project which you can look up on this blog.

As soon as the LORD GOD provides a sponser for them they will join the real public school.
That´s the work jackilyn and the other children ( her brother here) are
doing to wash everything by hand in the dirty river

This is the house of Jackilyn This is Ben Jack Jackilyn brother looking through their window in their house

This is another house where some of our precious children live ,
without the help of Christ our saviour our help as mission ,your help ,
there is no way for these children to get education , to get out of this poverty.

Thank you all who support our needs in praying and giving to us as Missionary family as well as the needs of those we help and support.
We cannot do it without you .Let´s pray that more children can be sponsered to get a proper education.From Elementary all the way to a college degree.

Hallelujah the children received a new uniform and all they need for school,praise to all those who make this possible.

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