Friday, December 11, 2009

These are some of the wounds and sicknesses in Isla delta our squatter area.

Many are sick because of the dirty water
the all live close to the rivers edge.

This little baby got attacked and bitten by a rat ,there are lots of rats ,ants and sometimes snakes in this village,I cleaned the wound purified the wound and we went to the healthcenter to find out about rabies and than brought it back to the village

This baby is suffering from some allergie

This Girl suffered from Ant bites

This in an infection caused by Moskitos and

If those bites are not treated many will cause an infetion in this environment

The Heavenly Fathers Precious children  International ministry  Calcutta India
Thank you Heavenly Father for using me in Calcutta India
 Our Children s Ministry among the poorest of the poor  near Kaligat     Calcutta India                                                                                                                                            

This pictrue shows me and Rufa  A little baby Girl  3 weeks old in one the squatters in Calcutta India during our ministry there

 This is me  pulling  a ricksaw which is considers among the lowest jobs in calcutta  for the low cast .I wanted tot demonstrate that by the Lord Jesus our heavenly father we are all teh same equal in his Love  there is no such thing as long cast or low Job in our heavenly fathers eyes we are all special and wonderfully made  we are all Brothers and sister sin the Lord God
So i pulled the ricksaw puller  and  served him gave him a ride  instead he  pulled me 
It was tough thou  through to this thing through the caotic calcutta  traffic for about 20 minutes 
the people around us could not believe it to see a white foreigner 
doing this ,, lowest Job,, 

I met this man in the train from Calcutta to Dehli
 It was a 26 hours trainride

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