Thursday, January 28, 2010

Helping our south african friends

Our South African Children´s ministry is helping the poorest of the poor who live in Townships where during the apartheid all the blacks had to stay and live .
Until now millions of South African´s live in townships under unbelievable conditions.
There is no running water,high crime ,unemployment is about 50 or 60 % causing total poverty.Aids is widespread in fact nowhere in the world has Aids had such in impact in Society than in Southern Africa.
These pictures are taken during our ministy in a children´s hospital in the Mdansane Township our partnership mission there with Mrs Letticia .

We pray for our little patients ,reach out to them bring them needed things like medicine,toys ,schoolsupply .
Thank you partners for all your support into us and our mission to the needy children .
We need your prayers and support.

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