Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mindanao Mission Philippines oct /Nov 2010

HFPC Intern
The Heavenly Father s Precious Children International Mission

On October 6 2010 this year I went back to Mindanao Island Philippines
for 5 weeks to serve our heavenly father in our Mindanao Philippine Projects.

Thank you all our supporters for you prayers and financial Help to continue our mission to the heavenly Father`S precious children

First Mission visiting cristine one of our sponsered Children
This is her place where she lives

My first Stop was visiting one of our sponsered Children cristine who lives in a dark hole under the roof in a village outside of cagayan de oro.

Cristine climbing up to her Bedroom through a tiny little hole

Two years ago no one new her birthday ,she never celebrated her birthday for 10 years when i met her on my prayermountain

With the help of our Lord Jesus Christ who led me to her we were able to find out through the midwife in this village who remember crístine s Birth 10 years ago ,that her birthday is april 16 born in 1999 ,no one in her village new her birthday Cristine was abandened by her parents and raised by her adopted mother .

Now 2 years later because of all your prayers and giving and trusting in our
HFPC Intern Ministry ,i was able to get her a birthcertificate ,i sponsered her schooling til we found sponsers for her .

Now cristine celebrates her birthday and goes to school now grade 2 and is happy that finally she can read and write now.

Cristine also joins a weekly bible program in the nearby born again church for her spiritual growth which is even more important than her physical growth

When she showed me her first writing ,i couldn`t hold my tears of joy that another precious child is found by Christ.Thank `s to all of you who are a part of this,to all the generous givers to our ministry my church IBC Stuttgart for praying for me and giving ,the Sponsers most of all to our saviour Christ

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