Friday, January 25, 2013

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children International Ministries

 I m  so blessed by our Heavenly Father that he made and still makes this  ministry possible for his  glory only 

Psalm 115 

Not to us, Lord, not to us
    but to your name be the glory,
    because of your love and faithfulness.  (NIV version)

Thank you our Father in Heaven our Lord Jesus Christ  for making us your precious Children
Masterpieces of your Grace
your undeserved  Favour and redemtion through the precious blood of Christ your Son,
we are your precious  son`s and daughter´s we praise you.
October and November2012 
Mindanao Ministry
Cagayan de oro City 
Mindanao Island Philippines

These pictures shows another  day of our feedingprogram   in the Garbage Dump area 
As you can see  the children really have to work under harsh

We always start off with  a time  of praise and worship to our heavenly father with the children
I also shared a story about the Lord JESUS with them
The children are joining

the children are joining  and listining excited

our children are praying for their food

the children falling in Line for their food

Today we serve lomy a noodle meal the chidlren like very much,many times rice with veggies and sometimes 
another kind of rice

I love serving and feeding our precious children 
my little brother´s and sister´s in the Lord Jesus

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