Thursday, January 10, 2013

HFPC International Ministries

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children International Ministries 
October and November2012 
Mindanao Ministry
Cagayan de oro City Mindanao Island Philippines

These are pictures of the Mercy ministry I m doing by the Grace and healing of our Lord Jesus Christ,
``Thank you Lord Jesus for using me .``

Downtown in Cagayan de oro I came agross
a mother with two children ,totally abandened and neclect the kids  were naked and one was badly hurt with a head injury,
 I was able to clean the wound and put on a bandage and prayed for healing and the future of this child and family,
It  is always heart breaking  for me but I just have to trust and release all these our precious ones by faith into the care of the Lord Jesus the good shepherd to watch over them.

I m praying and wish that some day GOD our heavenly father will provide enough finances so I can have a shelter for them.
                           Downtown Cagayan de oro 

The heavenly father brought me agross  this boy and  his family
(actually only the mother was around)
 but it was him who needed urgent treatment he had a bad head injury

This wound definitly needed  treament and prayers
especially he and the other child were naked  and the whole
family ( i did not see a father or a man around)was abandened

So  I cleaned the wound and purified it and binded it up

It always breaks my heart ,makes me cry, to see these precious little ones abandened and neclect; cast out from society
Sometimes I think if i could only take them all in a plane and bring them to a better place ,bring them to home.
No ones cares, but  I care because my Heavenly Father, Saviour  the good sheperd,the good samaritan,the good fisher of men ,the carpenter´son ,the son of the living GOD  CHRIST JESUS, he cares the most ,because these children all children ,
including all of us, are precious to him in his sight and he isfull of compassion and warmth 
for them and for us if we let him.

After the treatment  I prayed for the healing and by faith released the boy and the family back into the Lord Jesus his hands

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