Wednesday, January 9, 2013

HFPC International Ministries

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children International Ministries 
October and November2012 
Mindanao Ministry
Cagayan de oro City Mindanao Island Philippines
The ministry im doing together with the local church in the Garbage Dump area since 2005

The transportation I use to reach the Dump site

                   the Dumpsite get´s  very mudy 
very smelly a tough place to reach out

As you can see it is very muddy and dirty what a place to live and make a living

what a place to raise your kids

what a place to make a living 

our ministry partner Pastora and her staff
reaching out to these people 

here you can see the living conditions
during our walk through this place 
doing evangelism and Mercy Ministry

pigs and children use the same playground

this is the church I partner with since 2005

These pictures show  one of our precious ones living on the garbage Dump area ,please continue to pray for princess that some day she can walk proberly ,and would learn how to talk.right now she is unable to stand and walk and even speak
This time I told the mother I want her to join preschool that somebody would carry her to the preschool in the little church
I also used to teach there sometimes just basic english and the bible
please pray for princess her mother still has 2 more children to take care off,that she would find salvation in Christ

during my healthcare and evangelism time in the garbage area together with my local minister I was called into a home where there Son got stabbed and had some terrible stabing wounds which I had to treat and bind up

          as you can see the blade went almost through the spinal cord and could easily have killed him especially there were more stabbings into the shoulder and belly

                                     After I cleaned his wounds together with my local ministry parter I was able to share
                                     with him about our Lord Jesus and I asked him if he knows that his heavenly
Loving  father  ,the Lord Jesus his great healer gave him a second chance in Life and that the Lord Jesus will heal all his wounds and is waiting  and knocking on the door of his heart to be let in and get saved and all of sudden this young      wonderful man and brother
 broke in tears and invited, excepted the Lord Jesus  Christ in his heart ,wow we all have just witnessed the Love and  Glory of our Almighty Heavenly father   
What a joyful time ,Hallelujah

before we left I trained the mother about how to continue to treat the wounds for the next 3 days and I left some medicien with her,we prayed for the young man and this family.     

               Now this woman loves the Lord Jesus and would love to go to church or read in the bible but cannot see proberly
               her blood pressure has to come down in order for the doctors to do further treatment  for her eyes
              I prayed for her healing 

                              this old Grandma  approached me at the entrance of the Garbage Dump area and ask for help and medicine so I cleaned her wounds and treated them and like always
 I prayed for healing by faith trusting the Lord Jesus for that healing

                these are some of the mercy ministry tools by God the father´s grace I allowed to use among my suffering brother s and sister´s 
thanks to you all my friends and supporters 
without your prayers and giving I can do nothing


 Line up for the mercy ministry  the healthcare ministry the first patient that day was a littel boy with wound at his forhead

                                        Praying for healing in Jesus name

   many more  patients 

            the little patient is released back in his living environment

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