Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Heavenly Father s Precious Children International Ministries

Mindanao Healthcare  Evangelism  Children ´s Ministry in the Philippines

Many Children at the Dumpsite  one  of my ministry s  which I m entrusted by Christ my Saviour have wounds who nobody cleans and takes care off ,even a band aid seems far away for many people and especially children .
I received the call by our heavenly father  to clean those wounds of the people since 1991and children but not only the physical wounds no the even more spiritual wounds in those kids

We also have a feeding program  and Bible sharing  with the children at the Dumpsite since 2005 we give food to the children of the scavenger Family s 
these  children are also scavenging

Before we have our feeding I always share with the children  a Biblestory
this Story was about the boy with the 2 fish and 5 Loaves of Bread

                              Thanksgiving before we eat our meal Salamat Jesu Christo

All empty  it s all gone around 50 Children from Dumpsite had a warm meal today  soemtimes even more  since we started December 2005 

                      After our  feeding  some Mother s coming with there baby s to get prayers  we also give                     medical help like vitamins  and some baby s have fever

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