Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mindanao Mission Philippines Oct /Nov 2010
My Friend Rosento

This Day October 12 2010 was another special day in my life.

By the Grace of the Almighty God I visited my friend Rosento ,who had a stroke and his body weight was down ,he is only bones now,so after my visit the first week i arrived back in Cagayan de oro ,I talked with him ,even though he can hardly talk only very slow.

When i went back to my place after the first visit ,i had no peace the heavenly father reminded me that i did not open up to him the question and opportunity to ask Christ to save him and prepare him for his final eternal journey .

I knew him when he was still in charge of the sikad drivers in the subdivision i lived in since 2005,he read the bible I gave him before but was still addicted to many things.
So I had to go back one more time i could not leave him without asking him if he likes to be saved as we don`t know when he will have to leave this earth, according to his health in the wheel chair with a stroke only bones,he could die any hour,so on this day october 12 i went to his squatter and mention to him about eternity if he likes to be ready to ask forgiveness for his sins and to receive Christ his Lord and savior in his heart.

First it seemed like he did`t want,to but than he said yes he likes to pray the sinners prayer and accept Christ in his heart,so I prayed with him that day ,he followed in words and accepted the Lord Jesus that day ,hallelujah I was relieved and I know that Rosento is ready now to face his creator his heavenly father to reign with him ,praise the LorD God Almighty

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