Sunday, November 21, 2010

HFPC International

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children Intern.Mission

Philippine Mission Mindanao October/November 2010

our Projects partnering with the Local Churches since 2005

These are the children living on the Garbage Dump Mindanao

We care for the little brothers and sisters
I m cleaning the wounds ,giving vitamins to the baby s for the last 5 years
We teach the kids about the Bible and
worship with them

In this picture we have Pastora Ruth and her son,she is my local Church partner in the Garbage Dump ministry since 2005.

Actually her belated Husband pastor wilbert was my partner but he passed away this yearand by the grace of the our heavenly Father he gives strenght to pastora Ruth to continue the ministry ,she has 8 children herself.Please continue to pray for our partnership in this ministry,thanks.

These are my physical and spiritual Missiontools in our mission ,
Mercy ministry,evangelism

Preparation for the medical Misison .

Treating my little philippino Brother

almost done the churchstaff is assisting me

I m sharing a biblestory to about 75 children before we have our feeding
This ministry is also in it s 5 year now ,
Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus and all our supporters

our feeding after the Biblestory and worshiptime

our regular feeding for the children in the Garbage Dump

This video shows the children we reach out to in the Garbage Area

This video shows our feeding program sometimes the feeding is a little bit chaotic,since 75 and more hungry children wanna have food .Thanks for all my faithful partners from the local churchwho are helping me without them it would not be possible,special thanks to Pastora Ruth
Thanks to all of you our supporters and friends in this Mission

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