Friday, January 29, 2010

Our worldwide Mission and charity is to share with these precious children with whatever talent and blessings given to us through our heavenly father.
We care for every indivitual person and child we come agross with,like these our children in the Philippines or South Africa or elsewhere.
We dedicate our lifes to be the salt and the light like what Christ Jesus is to us.
These pictures show some of our areas we serve and reach out .
I think none of us likes likes to see children picking the garbage or abanded and neclect.
All of us wanna be fed,clothed , sheltered ,Loved and accepted.
That `s what we do we share ,trying the best we can because our Father in heaven gives us his best his son Christ Jesus the Lord.

no words

no words

reaching out to my little Philippino brothers and sisters

treating the wounds of my little brother

sharing the Love of Christ to the Children through Biblestory`s and Christian Pamplets

feeding my little brothers and sisters

thank you our dear Mission partners for your prayers and support

Thursday, January 28, 2010

South African children´s Ministry
So many children in South Africa are orphans because of the aids endemic .We try to bring joy and the Love of Christ the Lord to our south african little brothers and sisters.

We are in Kayetlithsa aTownship in Cape Town South Africa where we delivered school supply to the kids .

Helping our south african friends

Our South African Children´s ministry is helping the poorest of the poor who live in Townships where during the apartheid all the blacks had to stay and live .
Until now millions of South African´s live in townships under unbelievable conditions.
There is no running water,high crime ,unemployment is about 50 or 60 % causing total poverty.Aids is widespread in fact nowhere in the world has Aids had such in impact in Society than in Southern Africa.
These pictures are taken during our ministy in a children´s hospital in the Mdansane Township our partnership mission there with Mrs Letticia .

We pray for our little patients ,reach out to them bring them needed things like medicine,toys ,schoolsupply .
Thank you partners for all your support into us and our mission to the needy children .
We need your prayers and support.

Monday, January 25, 2010

This is our South African Children´s ministry . We reach out to children and poeple in need who are in the hospital ,in the Townships ,aids orphants .
Like the Philippines in Southern Africa about 50 % of it´s people live below the poverty line with less than one or two dollars a day.
Also Crime is exstremly high in South Africa due to Poverty

It is estimated that about every fourth person is infected with HIV the virus which causes Aids.
Our long term goal is to have our own own orphanage Around Durban Kwa Zulu Natal for aidsorphants (there are literaly thousands of Aids orphants in South Africa alone.
We pray that this will be a multipurpose building with a preschool ,a healthcenter and a place for the homeless .Please stay with us in prayer as we are continue our minstry there.

Our missionfocus is in the City and surroundings of Durban (ethekwini)KWAZULU Natal with it´s high crime and Poverty .
Also in the Black Townships to bring the light and Joy of Christ into those desperate Children´s lifes.
We work together with the Local church we care for AIds victims.

Our other ministry in South Africa is to work along side our partner in Mdansane Township in East LOndon in the eastern cape of the South Africa.(the homestate of Nelson mandela)
The picture above shows sister Lettica our partner and the picture down shows me and one of the minstry staff with those precious children in Mdasane East London SOUTH AFRICA

We provide medicine for the kids ,school books,toys and our partner just started her orphanage which we support.
We serve and work together with the local church,our South African Brothers and sisters

This picture shows my south african sisters and my little south African brother in Christ.
in a place close to Durban KWA ZULU Natal South Africa they are infected with HIV.

The Durban (KWAZULU) area is our main focus ,
jewish,Muslims and hindus as wellas christians live in city of 3.5 million people
If our father in heaven is leading you to support us in prayers or other means please contact us for details.
This year 2010 a missiontrip is planed for the Durban area to spearhead our new project there.
We are praying and constantly serve and work with our local partners in the Philippines and South Africa .We also go or live there to serve from 4weeks up to 6 weeks and even 4 years in a row .

I love these girls like my own and the little Boy just like my own son.We reach out to them love them and spent time with them pray for the healing because nothing is impossible with GOD our father in heaven,even HIV or Aids can be cured through him.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

This picture shows Jackilyn

Our of our worldwide missions is to provide Identification papers like Birthcerticates and sponsership for those precious Children .Those Children have no Identification when their parents die no one knows really when they are born what is their proper name.
We organize these papers and provide sponsers for the poorest of the poor .
Jackilyn didn´t go to school there was no money her parents were in despair .
Tears run down her face (and mine ,too) when I asked her about schooling.

She wanted to go but had no money and opportunity so our heavenly Father inspired me to start my own preschool in this place Isla delta Philippines.

So in 2006 I started my preschool project which you can look up on this blog.

As soon as the LORD GOD provides a sponser for them they will join the real public school.
That´s the work jackilyn and the other children ( her brother here) are
doing to wash everything by hand in the dirty river

This is the house of Jackilyn This is Ben Jack Jackilyn brother looking through their window in their house

This is another house where some of our precious children live ,
without the help of Christ our saviour our help as mission ,your help ,
there is no way for these children to get education , to get out of this poverty.

Thank you all who support our needs in praying and giving to us as Missionary family as well as the needs of those we help and support.
We cannot do it without you .Let´s pray that more children can be sponsered to get a proper education.From Elementary all the way to a college degree.

Hallelujah the children received a new uniform and all they need for school,praise to all those who make this possible.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This is another part of our ministry called Community development.
Another focus of our Ministry.
This is a picture with the installed Watertank in concolation Cagayan de oro City Philippines.
We installed two water tanks for the isla Delta ministry ,because one day the heavenly Father put in my heart to use the rain as a resource for water.

This is a picture of the delivery of the watertank
Even though in this squatter area people do have a water connection but sometimes they are not able to pay their waterbills,that´s why the Lord Almighty likes his poeple to use the rain water it is free for everyone,like the wind ,the sunlight.

That why we installed the watertanks in order for the people no to use the dirty water from the river which brings them a alot of diseases.

In the future we like to install more tanks in our other ministry area in Kwa ZULU Natal South Africa.Please pray for this ministry in South Africa .
If you like some details contact us ,thank you.

This is our livlihood program for the women in our Biblestudy group in Isla Delta
The women offer pedicure to the public in different places to earn an extra amount which helps them to get some money to buy rice or other essentials for their children .

This Picture shows the women in our Biblestudy Group with their new pedicure bags
in Isla Delta our squatter ministry by the river.

They women are very happy to use such little tools
to earn money for rice and needed things

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is our teaching ministry,together with the local church staff and sometimes without I teach those children which cannot afford to go to school because of the Lack of finances or simply because the parents do not care ,the are addicted with drugs or alcohol.
But the Lord Jesus Christ is never turning a child away or neclects one of them ,
remember the story in the Bible about the Lost sheep,
neither do we in our Mission for the precious children in the world.
So I started a little Preschool myself in an open classroom in the squatter and we teach once a week the children in the Garbage Area ,that teaching is to support the Pastor swife who started this long time ago.
Only in the other squatter I started my owm preschool with the help of the Almigthy Father.
The LOrd Jesus put inmy heart to teach them English ,Math,reading ,writing and most important I teach about our LOrd Jesus ,what a special friend he is
I also teach hygene awareness.
We also sing songs and play the Gospel train ,travel to Jerusalem.
We organize Birth certificates for the children in order fro them to excist and later to be able to go to a real school.
Many children have no identification because there are no papers .If the parents die there no proof about who they are,I just breaks my heart.
Every Child deserves to have Dignity an Idenity, it starts with a name and Birth certificates
We are organizing papers togehter we our local partners we go to the National Statistic Office and get there Idenity papers.
We also pray and we are thankful to get and have sponsors for our mission and for schooling and uniforms.We are praying that this mission will never stop to give those Children all children a proper education whereever them from.