Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Heavenly Father s Precious Children International Ministry
October November 2014
Mindanao Philippines

Together with our Mission tools ,
donated Eye classes,
 purchased bibles and Medicine ,my local Pastor friend and me  were heading towards a Mercy Ministry which the Lord Jesus had put in my heart in a remote village on Mindanao the Philippines.
It was hot and quite a Challenge to reach this place and to minister but because of God my father s anointing  People came to salvation  and received physical and spiritual healing through you Lord Jesus Christ

                     the donated eye classes 

the medicine  we use

 Bandages, Medicine like salt drink liguid for children or adults with dehydration  due to diarrhea ,the salty drink will  replenish the combination of water and salt to hydrate your body   and bring back the needed  lost liguid components back  we also ahve vitamin s and medicine  for fever  for the children and baby s
thank you all for your prayers and support in our ministry 

Bibles  to bring hope and strength  to the people through the Living word  the  Holy scriptures
 thanks for all these tools and for you  our dear friends  and supporters  of this Ministry to the poorest of the poor and abandoned  destituted   children and adults

on the way to the village 

        after using  a Jeepney  we had to transfer to
      another transportation to reach that place 

first  we started with our Mercy Ministry wound cleaning 

many children needed help 

                      not only children 
  prayers for the people young and old alike 

together with my local Ministry Partner and friend 
we ministered
this woman asked for a bible  since she lost her old one in one of the
recent taifun s now she has a new one  to live by the Holy word 

ministering to the neighbours

some place  like this one isrampant for Dengue

 you can check it out here

at this point I wanna give Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ who kept  me  and the pastor away from any disease thank you Lord God

                            this place  is rampant for Dengue Fever 
lots of mosquitos  this  swamp is aperfect invirionment  to breed for the mosquitos

           This is a very very poor family hidden in the swamp  ,
I have more pictures and videos about them in a seperate page please check it out they really need our prayers 

  Pastor  challenged but  joyful  to reach the different homes we visited and ministered

we have to balance  and maybe next time   I should lose some weight  but bamboo is supposed to be solid  to handle this German Body of mine

sometimes I heard a crack  when we crossed

what  a place  I love it to bring good news  to  untouched unreached  areas like this (there are some secular churches but  we tell them  that  Christ our Lord doesn t want them to be religious but want them to have a personal relationship with him

this is tough place to live and walk

even the locals have to watch out  to cross the path

Mercy  Mnistry wound cleaning   worship  ministering  sharing the Gospel

this  Little girl neede help for  her foot so I cleaned the wound and  bandanged it 

the Locals use boats  

to leave  this place  we also took a boat through the Jungle swamp
here  are the people we ministered  to this man is  one of  the  boat operators  

 this man is  one of  the  boat operators  

this man  in the white shirt was our skipper and the pastor and  I lead him to pray the sinner s prayer with us  please pray for the follow up

gotta climb into the boat now

we are heading  back 

through  the mangroves

back on the ´´mainland ´´

on land we were welcomed   by the very aggressive monkey

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