Friday, January 25, 2013

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children International Ministries

 I m  so blessed by our Heavenly Father that he made and still makes this  ministry possible for his  glory only 

Psalm 115 

Not to us, Lord, not to us
    but to your name be the glory,
    because of your love and faithfulness.  (NIV version)

Thank you our Father in Heaven our Lord Jesus Christ  for making us your precious Children
Masterpieces of your Grace
your undeserved  Favour and redemtion through the precious blood of Christ your Son,
we are your precious  son`s and daughter´s we praise you.
October and November2012 
Mindanao Ministry
Cagayan de oro City 
Mindanao Island Philippines

These pictures shows another  day of our feedingprogram   in the Garbage Dump area 
As you can see  the children really have to work under harsh

We always start off with  a time  of praise and worship to our heavenly father with the children
I also shared a story about the Lord JESUS with them
The children are joining

the children are joining  and listining excited

our children are praying for their food

the children falling in Line for their food

Today we serve lomy a noodle meal the chidlren like very much,many times rice with veggies and sometimes 
another kind of rice

I love serving and feeding our precious children 
my little brother´s and sister´s in the Lord Jesus

HFPC International Ministries

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children International Ministries 
October and November2012 
Mindanao Ministry
Cagayan de oro City 
Mindanao Island Philippines
These pictures show another day of  the  Mercy ministry also called  primary healthcare I m doing  in the Garbage Dump area  and I visited the public cemetary in Cagayan de oro to visit the grave of my former Partner Pastor Wilbert and to have a look at the grave of one of our little precious ones  one of the kids which got raped and killed 2008

In this  Picture my friend Charles passed by during my evangelism and healthcare ministry day in the garbage 
Area togehter with my ministry partner.
The boy called me : ´´ brother Michael `´ even though we haven´t seen each other for  2 years he still remembered me when i was living in the Philippines and serving in the Garbage Dump area  for almost 4 years ,i was so delighted
I saw that Charles  had a wound on his food and I told him to stopp ,even though he was on his way busy to collect the  garbage.
But he did stopp and I was able to clean his wounds and he was happy ,I prayed for him his future in the Name of our Lord Jesus
 Charles my friend 

Then another woman came ,she was the mother of John Michael the little boy who passed away last year 
we loved John  Michael  but he in now is better place with his Lord and savour Christ.
His mother though needed some wound treatment that day her foot.

As you can see in the Garbage Area in this envirionmentthat are many Flies  bring a lot of dieseases  from the trash and dirt,so I had to clean her wound

After the treatment she brought her little daughter ,her feet were really bad ,especially if you are a Girl and those wound marks stay forever and leave ugly scars.
As you can see I really felt pity for this little precious Child and I started to clean those wounds

many more children came for treatment that day  and I told them that the Lord Jesus the best docotor in the world will do the healing ,I m just cleansing but the healing is done by our heavenly father who loves them these wonder precious Kids

   this picture shows Raiza May another wonderful precious    
       child who needed badly treatment so I also cleaned her 
Raza may also doesn´t have a fatherpleas pray for her 
      and all these wonderful children  for their healing , spiritual 
          growing , education  ,lerning to trust the Lord Jesus

this  boy also needed help

some of the wounds to clean

Every time I have  the opportunity,
 I visit the resting place of three of my passed away  friends  belated Pastor wilbertmy ministry partner in the  Garbage Dump area,he passed away 2011(Lung failure)
than Rossve a 7 year old Girl from our children`s ministry (got raped and Killed by 2 men 2008),
and John Michael  a 3 year little boy who passed away 2012 (many worms inside his body).
This is the public cemetary in the Philippines were they laid to rest my 3 friends ,
This place is for the poorest of the poor ,nothing like a fancy memorial funeral park or cemetary.

This place is not for the faint hearted,as it is very dirty and you you have to climb over each others grave yards to reach your palce,lot´s of trash and garbage,even dogs use the resting grounds as their home 

                 stray dogs make these graves their Home

what a cemetary

we had to search after 2 years for the resting place of rossve,since we don ´t know where her mother has gone after she had to move out from their squatter.
So no one visited the resting place  anymore for the last 2 years 

that´s why I had some Guys to dig and search for the grave
I was shocked,because since more graves have been added they just covered Rossve´s place and we were not able to locate it,
til someone remembered and we uncovered it 

Digging  after 2 years where no one anymore cared for the
 resting place of rossve a little precious one 
who got brutally raped and murdered  in 2008 

digging for the grave

finally we found the Stone and the initials I had this stone  put t with donations  with fiancial  help from friends
after Rossve`s remains ( she was found with a decomposed body raped and killed in a smelly abandened bathroom(the floor was full with feces)
for me this was the worse thing  (i went there a day after) i have ever seen in my life.
her remains were  buried worse than a dog in a blue plastic and dumped somewhere on the cemetary,so i dicided together with  the mother `s request to give rossve a decent resting place and farewell.
But now after two years noone taking care off the covered it what a shame
finally we recovered her site

                                           I was able to leave some flowers and prayers in faith for her mother and stepfather to find salvation in Christ and the strenght and trust to carry on as noone knows their whereabouts.
At least Rossve is in much much better place now.