Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mindanao Mission Philippines October /November 2010

Open air October 16 2010 Concolationministry

in partnership with the Local Church

Jesus Saves

the young people of the church are leading the worship

This picture shows Karin our visitor and ministry friend
Karin was working in singapore for 2 weeks ,so
I invited her to come to the Philippines
and visit the children
she is sponsering 2 of them
and guess what she did come and visit them
and got first hand exsperince
about what the life of the children in
Concolation is all about .

Karin is also sharing the good news

After Karin our ministry friend and visitor to consolation
I shared the good news and a biblestory to the children
Pastor Guardy my faithful local church partner supports me
in this Minstry im very grateful for our local partners without
them we can do nothing we need each other
This is our 5 th year partnership ministry in this squatter

Sharing a Biblestory with the children in Concolation

Im doing mercy ministry among the needy
healthcare is really needed
Christ Jesus is our best and main Doctor,
Healer without him we can do nothing

treating different wounds

Baby`s with fever

giving vitamins to the babies

my little precious patient

praying is the most important part in our ministry

donated eyeclasses this time from Germany
nice to see this man is able to read,Hallelujah

these Grandmother s are very happy to have these eyeclasses

we also had a feeding this day after sharing the word and the worship

Mindanao Mission October /November 2010
Concolation Ministry in partnership with the Local church Jesus saves
Open air October Concolation 2010
Together with our local Church partners we had an open air in the squatter area Isla Delta concolation
Jesus saves Church the young people
The young people of Jesus saves church together with there pastor and his wife and a special visitor from Germany a friend of ours who is sponsering 2 children in this squatter area was visiting her sponsered kids for the first she went to the Philippines to visit those kids and spent quality time with them,she also shared the good news to the people of Isla delta.
This was one of the most touching moments in my 21 years of ministry

what an anointing of the Holy spirit we received when they were worshipping
Children from the concolation village are worshiping

I also did Mercy ministry healthcare after sharing the good news.
The young children some are sponsered through our ministry from this village performed under the supervison of the local church a wonderful worship dance which brought some of us into tears since the Holy spirit really used these Kids to touch us and minister to us,Hallelujah Praise the Lord Jesus.
This area has been really blessed.
5 years ago before we started in this place spiritually this place was poor,lots of crime(STILL IS SOME) and other things ,many children did not go to school,but after 5 years of partnership with the local church
I can see the fruits ,especially when I worshiped with those children together,thanks also to Pastor Guardy and his team following up on these precious children and people of Isla delta.
There are still many people who have not yet received Christ ,children who are of school please pray for this ministry we like to reach out to all.
Open Air worship and evangelism,Mercy Ministry Isla Delta October 2010
Jackyln and the some kids from Isla Delta worship
it was touching the Holy spirit used them some people cried for joy

Sunday, November 21, 2010

HFPC International

The Heavenly Father`s Precious Children Intern.Mission

Philippine Mission Mindanao October/November 2010

our Projects partnering with the Local Churches since 2005

These are the children living on the Garbage Dump Mindanao

We care for the little brothers and sisters
I m cleaning the wounds ,giving vitamins to the baby s for the last 5 years
We teach the kids about the Bible and
worship with them

In this picture we have Pastora Ruth and her son,she is my local Church partner in the Garbage Dump ministry since 2005.

Actually her belated Husband pastor wilbert was my partner but he passed away this yearand by the grace of the our heavenly Father he gives strenght to pastora Ruth to continue the ministry ,she has 8 children herself.Please continue to pray for our partnership in this ministry,thanks.

These are my physical and spiritual Missiontools in our mission ,
Mercy ministry,evangelism

Preparation for the medical Misison .

Treating my little philippino Brother

almost done the churchstaff is assisting me

I m sharing a biblestory to about 75 children before we have our feeding
This ministry is also in it s 5 year now ,
Hallelujah to the Lord Jesus and all our supporters

our feeding after the Biblestory and worshiptime

our regular feeding for the children in the Garbage Dump

This video shows the children we reach out to in the Garbage Area

This video shows our feeding program sometimes the feeding is a little bit chaotic,since 75 and more hungry children wanna have food .Thanks for all my faithful partners from the local churchwho are helping me without them it would not be possible,special thanks to Pastora Ruth
Thanks to all of you our supporters and friends in this Mission

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mindanao Mission Philippines Oct /Nov 2010
My Friend Rosento

This Day October 12 2010 was another special day in my life.

By the Grace of the Almighty God I visited my friend Rosento ,who had a stroke and his body weight was down ,he is only bones now,so after my visit the first week i arrived back in Cagayan de oro ,I talked with him ,even though he can hardly talk only very slow.

When i went back to my place after the first visit ,i had no peace the heavenly father reminded me that i did not open up to him the question and opportunity to ask Christ to save him and prepare him for his final eternal journey .

I knew him when he was still in charge of the sikad drivers in the subdivision i lived in since 2005,he read the bible I gave him before but was still addicted to many things.
So I had to go back one more time i could not leave him without asking him if he likes to be saved as we don`t know when he will have to leave this earth, according to his health in the wheel chair with a stroke only bones,he could die any hour,so on this day october 12 i went to his squatter and mention to him about eternity if he likes to be ready to ask forgiveness for his sins and to receive Christ his Lord and savior in his heart.

First it seemed like he did`t want,to but than he said yes he likes to pray the sinners prayer and accept Christ in his heart,so I prayed with him that day ,he followed in words and accepted the Lord Jesus that day ,hallelujah I was relieved and I know that Rosento is ready now to face his creator his heavenly father to reign with him ,praise the LorD God Almighty

Mindanao Mission Philippines oct /Nov 2010

HFPC Intern
The Heavenly Father s Precious Children International Mission

On October 6 2010 this year I went back to Mindanao Island Philippines
for 5 weeks to serve our heavenly father in our Mindanao Philippine Projects.

Thank you all our supporters for you prayers and financial Help to continue our mission to the heavenly Father`S precious children

First Mission visiting cristine one of our sponsered Children
This is her place where she lives

My first Stop was visiting one of our sponsered Children cristine who lives in a dark hole under the roof in a village outside of cagayan de oro.

Cristine climbing up to her Bedroom through a tiny little hole

Two years ago no one new her birthday ,she never celebrated her birthday for 10 years when i met her on my prayermountain

With the help of our Lord Jesus Christ who led me to her we were able to find out through the midwife in this village who remember crístine s Birth 10 years ago ,that her birthday is april 16 born in 1999 ,no one in her village new her birthday Cristine was abandened by her parents and raised by her adopted mother .

Now 2 years later because of all your prayers and giving and trusting in our
HFPC Intern Ministry ,i was able to get her a birthcertificate ,i sponsered her schooling til we found sponsers for her .

Now cristine celebrates her birthday and goes to school now grade 2 and is happy that finally she can read and write now.

Cristine also joins a weekly bible program in the nearby born again church for her spiritual growth which is even more important than her physical growth

When she showed me her first writing ,i couldn`t hold my tears of joy that another precious child is found by Christ.Thank `s to all of you who are a part of this,to all the generous givers to our ministry my church IBC Stuttgart for praying for me and giving ,the Sponsers most of all to our saviour Christ