Thursday, December 3, 2009

These are pictures from our
other ministry in Concolation Isla Delta a squatter along the river in Cagayan de oro City Philippines.
This ministry started in December 2005 .

We started with a weekly children´s program where I would tell biblestories and afterwards with the instruction and healing touch of Christ Jesus our doctor and healer I treated the different wounds and sicknesses of the kids.
This ministry was established togehter with a staff from Youth with a Mission.
As you can see this place is always flooded and the living conditions are
terrible ,that´s why in one year 4 children have died two Babies among them.

Who can live in a place like that ?

It brakes my heart to see poeple living like this but I also know that our heavenly father has not forgotten them that´s why i like to bring the LOVE of Christ to
those Brothers and sisters
These video´s are showing our ministry areas and how hard live is here.

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