Thursday, March 21, 2024

 HFPC Intern Ministries 

Mindanao Island Philippines 2024

I visited  Kyle and his family in the garbage area ,to discuss after covid  the cleft lip surgery of kyle which we support the family through the process Surgery is done by professional Doktors for free  we provide prayers and spiritual conceling as well as the budget for medicine and budget for the parents to stay in the hospital with their child during the surgery

Most parents cannot affoard the transportation as well as the stay in cost at the hospital thats where the Lord God our Loving father touched to help the cleft lip patiients 

 This is kyle 

The family of Kyle  we disgused  further action  concerning another surgery for kyle 
 Pastor Ruth  my ministry partner in the garbage area 

Kyle has had  a surgery before but unfortunatly he ripped the threads out so the lip  opened up again now after Covid we disguss further actions also with other cleft lip patients

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