Thursday, March 21, 2024

 HFPC International Ministries 

 Mindanao PHILIPPINES February 2024

We  had a wonderful Children s ministry  in a little village and  in a  Garbage  area 

I was telling the kids  the story of our Lord Jesus how he is looking for the Lost sheep

We were also singing and worshipping  with the song  ,,Jumping up and down ,,

Thank you Lord  God we pray that these seeds we plant in these  precious ones  will grow 

   the precious  Children at the Plastic recycle Dumpsite 

  this   old woman was  more than 90 years old  she also reveived  her share from the feeding 

    The Heavenly Father used me as an Instrument  Iwas able to do some primary Healthcare ,cleaning their wounds praying for their recovery ,their healing

     The Heavenly Father also used me as an Instrument 
to share the gospel   through a Bible story  to the Kids

  these are the women from the church helping with the feeding program 

Fellowship in the church with Pastor Irwin my  friend and Mission Partner  and the church staff

these are my tools   to share the gospel  physically and  more important spiritually  ,I destribute medicine ,Bibles 

  My  local friend and Brother  Pastor Irwin  his wife does the cooking for the Kids feeding program 

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