Thursday, March 21, 2024

 HFPC Intern Ministries 

Mindanao Island Philippines 2024

I visited  Kyle and his family in the garbage area ,to discuss after covid  the cleft lip surgery of kyle which we support the family through the process Surgery is done by professional Doktors for free  we provide prayers and spiritual conceling as well as the budget for medicine and budget for the parents to stay in the hospital with their child during the surgery

Most parents cannot affoard the transportation as well as the stay in cost at the hospital thats where the Lord God our Loving father touched to help the cleft lip patiients 

 This is kyle 

The family of Kyle  we disgused  further action  concerning another surgery for kyle 
 Pastor Ruth  my ministry partner in the garbage area 

Kyle has had  a surgery before but unfortunatly he ripped the threads out so the lip  opened up again now after Covid we disguss further actions also with other cleft lip patients

 HFPC Internatioanl Ministries Mindanao Island 

Philippines 2024

Feeding program  and Primary Healthcare in a Garbage Dump 

I was able to minister  in our longtime partnership ministry with Pt Ruth from the garbage  Dump area in Mindanao 

we were  singing   Christian children s songs  and  I was sharing about the Lord Jesus and the Lost sheep 

than we handed out the food  special treat spaghetti   

some children needed  wound cleaning  and  healthcare 

our feeding  program 

we were singing  and worshipping with these children
 who live on a Dump 

 HFPC Intern 

The Heavenly Father precious Children Intern  ministries 

Tokyo Japan February 2024

I was able to hand out some Christian Booklets  in Japan 

Let spray for those seeds palnted to grow in a Country where the people are hard to reach with the Gospel

 HFPC International Ministries 

 Mindanao PHILIPPINES February 2024

We  had a wonderful Children s ministry  in a little village and  in a  Garbage  area 

I was telling the kids  the story of our Lord Jesus how he is looking for the Lost sheep

We were also singing and worshipping  with the song  ,,Jumping up and down ,,

Thank you Lord  God we pray that these seeds we plant in these  precious ones  will grow 

   the precious  Children at the Plastic recycle Dumpsite 

  this   old woman was  more than 90 years old  she also reveived  her share from the feeding 

    The Heavenly Father used me as an Instrument  Iwas able to do some primary Healthcare ,cleaning their wounds praying for their recovery ,their healing

     The Heavenly Father also used me as an Instrument 
to share the gospel   through a Bible story  to the Kids

  these are the women from the church helping with the feeding program 

Fellowship in the church with Pastor Irwin my  friend and Mission Partner  and the church staff

these are my tools   to share the gospel  physically and  more important spiritually  ,I destribute medicine ,Bibles 

  My  local friend and Brother  Pastor Irwin  his wife does the cooking for the Kids feeding program