Friday, November 20, 2009

Our feeding programe
establish December 2005 until present.
Every saturday ,sometimes we do mobile feeding bringing the food door to door

This video shows our children picking up their food ,we feed about 70 children every Saturday with different nutricious meals like lumi,Rice ,and carotts.
We provide the budget and the pots and the staff of the church and my wife cooks the food.

We started this ministry in December 2005 until now present we continue,thousands of Foodpackages are destributed every Year,Hallelujah .

Glory to GOD theFather in the highest and to you all the faithful partners and supporters to our mission.Without your praying and generous giving this would not be possible.

This is one of our two feeding programs we have in the Philippines.

We are praying to start a new feeding project next year in ethekwini ,Kwazulu area in South Africa .

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