Thursday, November 26, 2009

This picture shows princess a little Girl living on the Garbage Dump .When I found her severly malnourished she was almost dead lying on the floor of her Grandmother`s place.
She did not move anymore so I rushed her to the hospital where by the Grace of GOD the ALmighty Father she was saved and recovered.
Her real mother moved with another man while he did not like Princess to live with them so this little Girl stays with her Grandmother which has an Alcohol problem.
Please Pray for them
The other picture shows the little Girl about 6 month after I saved her with the help of Christ,during our anual Christmas party we have every year for the children from the Garbage Dump.Together with our church partners on the Dumpsite we celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord togehter with 100 children each year.

This Picture shows me and some children from our ministry in the Garbage Area in Cagayan de oro Philippines.I do healthcare ,clean the wounds of the children,provide medical treatment like deworming programs .I give the kids a liquid they drink and after that the worms come out of their bodies.Every kind of wound will be treated even Gunshots.Also we provide emercengy transports to the hospital if needed.

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