Sunday, November 29, 2009

These are pictures which show our ministry which is two folded Spiritual and physical well being for my precious brother`S and sisters in Cagayan de oro city Mindanao Philippines
Here we hand out Bibles the Book of LOVE and SALVATION

these are different kinds of medicine and Vitamins we hand out to Babies and those in need.
Thank you once again for all our partners in our Ministry ,thanks for your praying and giving without you we can do nothing.

these are our missionstools for physical and spiritual healing,medicine and Bibles

our missiontools

These Pictures show some of the wounds and diseases the children and Adults have.

I try to give them the best treatment they deserve with the instruction and healing touch of Christ Jesus the best doctor and healer available on earth and heaven.

The Girl in the picture down also came to me with an open wound which needed to be clean well and after teh treatment we always pray together for healing.

This little Boy had an infection as well

This boy had a terrible eye infection ,the mother was not able to go to the hospital because of finances ,I brought them to the hospital for treatment

Many Children come for treatment

I see myself blessed to be used to care for my brothers and sisters ,this family also is very poor they don `t have money at all when the children are injured or sick

This wound is already infected

This boy had a very ugly open wound

this baby had some allergie

If there is an emercency we bring the patients to the hospital.

These are our missiontools for physical and spiritual healing,medicine and bibles

Thursday, November 26, 2009

This picture shows princess a little Girl living on the Garbage Dump .When I found her severly malnourished she was almost dead lying on the floor of her Grandmother`s place.
She did not move anymore so I rushed her to the hospital where by the Grace of GOD the ALmighty Father she was saved and recovered.
Her real mother moved with another man while he did not like Princess to live with them so this little Girl stays with her Grandmother which has an Alcohol problem.
Please Pray for them
The other picture shows the little Girl about 6 month after I saved her with the help of Christ,during our anual Christmas party we have every year for the children from the Garbage Dump.Together with our church partners on the Dumpsite we celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord togehter with 100 children each year.

This Picture shows me and some children from our ministry in the Garbage Area in Cagayan de oro Philippines.I do healthcare ,clean the wounds of the children,provide medical treatment like deworming programs .I give the kids a liquid they drink and after that the worms come out of their bodies.Every kind of wound will be treated even Gunshots.Also we provide emercengy transports to the hospital if needed.

Friday, November 20, 2009

This is the story of the little Bebe from our Feeding ministry
.I will never forget her .Strong rain and mud and dirt could not stop her from coming barfeet to the church to our childrens program to get her warm bowl of rice to satisfy her hunger,she was soaked,tears filled my eyes seeing her so wet,driven by hunger,also other children came that day unbelievable.
What precious children they are ,loved by their heavenly father who cares for them.

The children are posing in front of a banner which was extra beautifully made for them all the way from England.Thank you salamat .
Also the little Banners made with Love from our friends
in England

These children and our Missionpartner Pastor Wilbert and his Wife Ruth and some mother`S from one of our Ministry`s wanna say thank you for all your prayers and generous giving to HFPC International our LOVE mission in bringing the good news in word and deed to the poorest of the poor all the way to the ends of the earth.
Thank you in english Sijabonga in zulu salamat po in Philippino
danke schoen in German

Thank you for the eyeclasses
They really fit ,just perfect only our Lord Jesus knows our size.

In this picture you see pastor wilbert and his wife with Baby little Ruth
Our feeding programe
establish December 2005 until present.
Every saturday ,sometimes we do mobile feeding bringing the food door to door

This video shows our children picking up their food ,we feed about 70 children every Saturday with different nutricious meals like lumi,Rice ,and carotts.
We provide the budget and the pots and the staff of the church and my wife cooks the food.

We started this ministry in December 2005 until now present we continue,thousands of Foodpackages are destributed every Year,Hallelujah .

Glory to GOD theFather in the highest and to you all the faithful partners and supporters to our mission.Without your praying and generous giving this would not be possible.

This is one of our two feeding programs we have in the Philippines.

We are praying to start a new feeding project next year in ethekwini ,Kwazulu area in South Africa .

This is our feeding program .We sing songs with the children and share Biblestories before wwe hand out the food.The staff of the local church is helping us.

The songs are in Bisaya a local dialect and in English

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is one of our ministries every saturday morning we have our feeding program for the children of the Garbage Collectors the scavengers,but before we eat we have a nice time of worship and Biblestory sharing with those precious children.

This video shows our missionfield ,the scavengers and their children searching in the Garbage .

We care for them and comfort and support them through Christ .We have our feeding program here every saturday for 4 years now going on,we do deworming also so teh worms those children have can come out and the malnourishment stopps.

This is a video which shows our ministry in a Garbage Dump in Cagayan de oro City the Philippines .We do healthcare here and have a feeding program since 2005 .Every saturday together with the local pastor we worship with the children ,tell biblestory´s ,teach them worship songs before we hand out the food.We also teach the children english and math and clean their wounds ,bring severe malnourished kids to the hospital.We also walk around to do evangelism and counsel. We teach on disease awareness,hygene ,diarrhea awareness.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In the HFPC Intern. Mission
(the Heavenly Father´s Precious Children intern.Mission )all children every human being from the tiny Baby to the old widow is considered precious in the eyes of the creator .We as followers of Christ treat everyone precious .
We teach in places in the middle of nowhere like this improvised classroom in a squatter area.
Our vision is to have multipurpose buildings used for our Mercy ministry healthcare center,Bible training center and a playground.

As you see in this picture I do my Mercy Ministry healthcare
in the open air (here is the Place a Garbage Dump ).
These precious little children
deserve the best treatment
like praying and wound cleaning and trusting our Doctor Jesus Christ for their well being and recovery.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our Mission is helping children in need,we are serving the poorest of the poor with physical food but also with spiritual nutrition .
We go to the the toughest places in areas which are not so known in the world like Mindanao and Kwa Zulu ,the eastern cape .

We educate and love these children like our own.

We give the children the Love we also exsperience from Christ our Saviour.
We teach and educate about disease awareness,hygene,the bible the book of LOVE we also provide livelihood programs .