Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mindanao Mission Philippines October/November 2010 Open air Evangelism on the Dumpsite of our ministry area the Garbage Dump also called Landfill.
We have our local Partnership and Children`s ministry here since Dec 2005,bringing the LOVE of Christ ,physical and spiritualHealing to the people and Children on the Dumpsite.

We organize Birthcertificates,Idendification papers for the children,
feed them with our weekly feeding program,do healthcare,
handing out Vitamins,Bibles.

This Time we had an openair Evangelim Crusade.
We started with worship

The people are listening to the word of the Living God

There were also many Children watching this ministry

This little boy just came from collecting scrap from the Garbage Area,he stopped and listened to our program.

Many children in this area are not
going to school ,they are sent into the garbage Area to collect the garbage and scrap to a junk shop which sells it ,they are ´´slaves´´ child labours´´.It is always our main focus through Christ to get those kids out of poverty and give them a future ,get their papers,register them and put them in a school.

Pastora Ruth is sharing the good news from her heart

Pastor Guardy also sharing the good news of salvation

The young people of the church showed us a story about Christ

I also was blessed to share the word of the Living GOD

After that we had
thanksgiving and worship for the Goodness
and Grace of our heavenly Father

After the sharing the word of our Lord Jesus and thanksgiving,
we hand out vitamins to the mothers

In our ministry we also try to educate and exsplain to the people how
to use the vitamins,we do dehydration awareness,we teach about hygene give some advices about daily issues

This is Inday a girl from our feeding program

Her mom passed away 2 years ago due to TB Tubercolosis.My belated friend and Pastor Wilbert and I were able to lead her to the LORD GOD as her Saviour,before she passed away.

She left Inday and 7 more children and her Husband.
Please pray for this Family especially the kids but also the Husband never got over the death
of his wife,he has an alcohol problem,we trust Christ for his deliverance.

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