Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mercy ministry in the  Garbage Dump area Mindanao Island
Cleaning the wounds of the children ,our Feeding program and our Children s Bible program and evangelism

Through your Love Lord Jesus and  because of your Grace Abba Father we  provide Physical and spiritual healing 

but the place is also dangerous as people were fighting and we were not sure if they would stab or shoot each other later on there were bruises from boxing in the face we have been told I m glad no one got stabbed or killed


Our  Children s Bible story and worship before  the feeding  

We lost one  Child from our feeding program  on the garbage Dump due to Dengue fever We were able to comfort the family during this time of  Loss

This man almost died that  we were able to ask him if he likes to prepare himself  for eternity 
if he likes to accept Christ as his Savior  
and he did pray with us and accepted the Lord 

He is still alive today thank you Lord Jesus he received 
Second Change
Lets pray that he will use that change to live for Christ and not to backslide

                Please continue to pray for those families living on the  Garbage this is there daily live
                Pollution  ,
Disease  everywhere Life exspectancy is low