Monday, February 9, 2015

HFPC International Ministries 
The Heavenly Father`s Precious children International  Ministries
Preaching Ministry  in the church in Lumbia

this is the church of my ministry partner and Friend  Pastor Irwin 
I was allowed to share the word of God my father 

agross the Church building

inside the church

neighbourhood  the Lumbia  Police station  

this church is in Lumbia in an area with a population of around 35000 people 
Drug s are rampant here so the  pastor and his  people are reaching out here please 
pray for their ministry

this is rhea a wonderful girl  who is involved in the church worship team
very gifted  with the drums ,
and guess what she taught herself to play the drums  .
please pray for her  and that someone s heart will be touched to stay behind her 
she had a bad exsperience  in the past  crime related  but praise  God my father for saving her life and using her talent now  for his Kingdom

the young people

one of the father`s  sharing 

his twin `s 

the young people  singing

cantina Family and the pastor s wife

the very  friendly  young people

my ministry partner  and friend  Pastor Irwin  and his wife and daughter