Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Heavenly Father s Precious Children International Ministry

2.Visit to the mangrove Village

Reaching out again to the swamp villagers 
We had to travel  through a  sort of swamp land
 to reach this village

in this tropical humid climate drinking is essential  like pastor Irwin 

After a while we reached again the house  of little lica
little lea  has no more father  a broken family her mother used to go to a  baptist church but for some reason  she is now mentally sick  
crying  when we were there ,
there daily income is incredible low 35  cent not even a half dollar to live on a day  .There are three other men 
one uncle I think  two other male family members maybe brother s who fish but it s really hard for them 
this family is among the poorest we have seen in our ministry areas 
please pray for some open hearts of people to pray for the spiritual and physical needs of this family and the follow up
the Grandmother takes care  since the men are out and lica  has no more father and the mother is mentally sick please pray for her healing

a beautiful family in a hidden remote Place
  the pastor and i we worshipped in the house prayed for there healing and gave a bible and we also brought reading classes
we really prayed ,we really wanna help this family please pray for this family

 the mother of lica looks alright here but is crying she has some kind of mental problem she used to go to church


 lea on the right and her sister on the left

 Grandmother  reading the bible


 lea like my little lamp I share the story of  Christ Jesus and the lost sheep many times with children 
wherever I travel  .I use the little lamp as the symbol 




saying farewell to us ,please Lord Jesus help them 

 little lica we are praying 




I really really love this place

  children were fishing for some real small fish


 the entrance of the village 





 this is the path we have to cross to reach the different houses of the village

 to walk on bamboo 


 not easy  sometimes you hear cracks




we gave bibles to those who never received a full version bible
and praise the Lord GOG  some of the donated eye classes fit and made people able to read the word of GOD Almighty again

 this man was very very happy and thankful he gave his life to  Jesus Hallelujah 

    this man had some bad skin infection 



 the family s have there own little garden 


 worshipping and thanksgiving  praying for healing in the village 

I really love these people they are 
so precious to GOD my father  

singing   in the swamp village I love this place  it s people

    riding back home 





 thank you Pastor Irwin my friend for your friendship and partnership in the ministry without you, him I could not have reached out 

 we saw again the very aggressive monkey   
when we arrived at the other side