Tuesday, November 13, 2012

HFPC International Ministries
The Heavenly father`s precious children Intern.Ministries

October 2012 SOUTH AFRICA Ministry
eThekwini Durban    Transkei       Mdantsane 

This is the kwadabeka Baptist church a church within a Township outside  of thekwini Durban
I was allowed to share a few words before doing the children s Ministry

The first ministry was in kwadabeka a Township outside of thewkini Durban .

Our heavenly Father put in 
my heart to reach out in  this place since this place was a dark  quite dangerous place ,where you can find whooga the world s most dangerous drug

I brought  a box with medicine,eyeclasses ,toys,soccer balls to start a soccer biblestudy these were the ministrytools to be used  for teh Glory of our heavenly father            

                             these are donated  eyeclasses and Soccerballs    I received from my church in Germany
the soccer balls all have been handsigned by children
writing there names on the  soccerballs
 thank    you for them

This is Kwadabeka Township thekwini Durban South Africa
whoonga is found and smoked here the world´s most dangerous Drug some reports say it is mixture out of rat poison,
Laudry detergent ,ARV drugs and heroin

this is the toilet in the township

You can do the research about whoonga  here is the link 


Here is a link to what  whoonga does what is and about whoonga park 


 Please read  this story  here is the link :

I´ m very thankful to our heavenly Father for allowing and using me again to bring  Glory  to his name  well as physical and spiritual healing  to our South African brothers and sisters small and adults alike .Once again  our Lord  Jesus has been faithful in these ministries.

I m thankful to all of our loving supporters in prayers as well as in giving and trusting in this  ministry among some of  the poorest,most abandened remote forgotten  places on  earth.
Sijabonga ,salamat to all of of you out there who are with us in this ,Sijabonga thanks Lord Jesus Christ.

Then on Tuesday October 2 2012 I went into the Township together with a young Zulu Church member to go around and share Jesus stories from the bible with the children and the adult 

       This was the Location where I was sharing the Gospel

I m sharing the story of Jesus and the Lost sheep with children in the  Township

I also gave the children some toys 

this is my friend  brian a  young man from the church
helping me in the ministry  sijabonga(thank you inZulu) Jesu Christo  for his help 

these are the people in kwadabeka 

we are singing  a Zulu Song whahamba Nathi 
Sijabonga Jesu in english he (Christ walked with us)
thank you Jesus
This is a Lady from the Church who was sooo happy because one of the donated eyeclasses from Germany fit her and she was able to read again hallelujah

                        also this Lady was able to use  eyeclasses i brought along 

these were the children from the creche next to the church

i brought some soccer balls to start a soccer biblestudy
 this young man is taking the soccer clinic  as his minsitry
please pray for him that many young teenagers
 from Kwadabeka Township who are hopelessness.jobless without guidance in life will be
joining the soccer ministry and biblestudy  we started there
by faith

these are our ministry partner
my friend Lugelo and his Church brother

these are our South African friends 

these are the children from Mdantsane Township 
another of our ministry  areas  in South Africa  impoverished ,crime striken 
in  the eastern Cape
 the Home province of Nelson Mandela

this is Mrs Jongile from the  Church  in Mdantsane 
we are partnering with  since 1999 ,she takes
care  of abandened  children and babies 
I brought  some medical supply and toys,eyeclasses
soccer balls for the Kids

Our other ministry area was in a rural place in South Africa the homeland of Nelson Mandela the Transkei in the eastern cape.
Together with my local friend who grew up here I was able to share the gospel in a place i do believe  has hardly ever´
 if ever seen a white man coming and reaching out
I m always so thankful for all my local ministry Partners 
around the world who translate for me support me in this ministry without them I can do nothing ,please Heavenly Father
bless them abundantly.

   This is my Christan friend Lungi who supported me  in doing my ministry ,enkosi 

I was able to share the gospel the story of Jesus and the lost sheep  with the children of the of this  rural african place

  I also hand out biblical booklets to inspire people to receive   Christ   as their Lord and Saviour

small children and  older People receive free eyeclasses 

I let them  try different  eyeclasses


  these are the women  from the tribe of the xhosas  which is the same tribe of  Nelson Mandela 

this is the only small clinic I have seen  there
I was able to hand out  brandnew  high quality 
stetoskopes and some basic medical supplies

This is the woman I gave the medical supply for the clinic I wish 
I could have giving more since this place is rural 

These were two boys in this  very rural area  ,
I was able, thanks to my Christian local friend to  share the Gospel with them and they received and accepted the Lord Jesus as they Lord and Saviour  at this truly beautiful outstanding rural at the end of the world location ,only the Lord Jesus can do this enkosi Jesus Christ

I was so happy that  we could pray the salvation prayer together thanks to  my local 
Christian friend who interpreted forthe Kids  Hallelujah these are the things which inspires me 
to reach out go to the ends of the world to bring the good news of salvation  and someday
we all we worship our heavenly father togehter in front of  the throne in thenew Jerusalem  from every tribe and nation  including my two South African brothers in this picture

I was so blessed by our heavenly father that he made and still makes this  ministry possible for his  glory only 
Psalm 115 

Not to us, Lord, not to us
    but to your name be the glory,
    because of your love and faithfulness.  (NIV version)