Friday, September 9, 2011

Mindanao Ministry in the swamp

Mindanao Mission deep into the swampJuly 2011
Reaching out to the people of the swamp
in a remote area on Mindanao

It ´s been a while where by faith our heavenly father put in my heart to reach out one day to a remote swamp area in Mindanao.

reaching out to the people of the swamp

I saw pictures of this place and in my heart i prayed for an opportunity some day to be allowed to go there and reach out with the Gospel to bring physical and spiritual healing to this place which is far away ,even the children have to use a floating school since this area is covered by water.

Especially when I read that a little Girl in this swamp one day was on her way to her school which is a floating libary in the swamp, suddently got attacked a big crocodile and bit off her head.
It was all over the news,and the villagers had to be evacuated in order to catch this croc
This was 2 years ago

I also read that some of the people in the swamp believed that some kind of swamp god or the bad spirit of the swamp got the girl.
I had pain in my heart that the people there don´t know yet the Living GOD their Father in Heaven who loves them and likes to comfort them and deliver them and likes to save themMy heart ´s desire was really to bring comfort,Love and the truth of the Gospel as well as bibles and medicine into this place ,God the father willing and start a new ministry link with our Mission HFPC International.
So last year when I was in the ministry in our projects in some other remote areas on Mindanao,I was praying togehter with the pastor there if we should go to the swamp,but because of the All saints Day in the Philippines it was to hard to get around so we believed for another time to reach out to the people in the swamp.

Now this year almost one year later ,I asked our local Missionpartner and pastor if he could pray about going to the swamp and he told me that he believes by faith GOD our father would allow him to go .

So this July Pastor Guardy our local ministry partner and another pastor went to the swamp to open new doors for our ministry .

Pastor Guardy our local ministry partner riding the boat deep into the swamp land to deliver medical aid and Bibles for a new ministry

a long ride passing some of the houses in the swamp

This child is left without treatment,since the next doctor
and hospital is far away,so the people
of the swamp were happy to receive
some physical help and of course spiritual help

Handing out medicine for the Kids

handing out bibles the Living word ,
the Love letters of our heavenly father
to his people of the swamp

This is the canoe boat of the little Girl which got killed by a crocodile in this swamp

the part of the canoe which was attacked by the crocodile

Since this is a dangerous area with big saltwater crocodiles in these swamps we prayed of course for a safe trip deep into the swamp land and that our heavenly father would go before them and open doors for them to minister and bring LOve and salvation to the people of the swamp.

this is the boat used to travel with the bibles and

These are the words Pastor Guardy sent me quote:´´this pictures are from san marcos village and lake mihaba.....
The place is very dangerous the 30 feet long croc is not yet captured and i really been their were rowena romano the 12 yrs old girl was bitten and also the vice president of mihaba crocodile sanctuary. there are only 9 houses inside mihaba lake and one office for the croc sanctuary, I also meet the president of Croc sanctuary his name is Rey Calderon and tthe name of there group inside mihaba is LAMIFA organization. his mother is in san marcos a former assembly of God believer but now they are involve in southern baptist church and they are gathering in thier house in san marcos...
The 30 feet croc is planned by the organization and the government of the philippines to be captured this month...
That's why I'm really a little bet scared for it might happened to us anytime the giant croc will attacked us... but thank from our heavenly father for His protection and I always believe that if it is His will it is always be done in a safe way... i spend four days on trip and go back home safely...

Anyway the mother or the family of Rowena Romano has already move in the other place of Agusan del sur...
The people are very thankful for the bibles and with the medicine, toothbrush and vitamins... they are also looking forward that you can visit them by the will of our Heavenly Father... those canoe pictures that was destroy was bitten by the giant crocs and that was the girl canoe were she ride.
let us wait for the news this month for the capture of the giant crocs... ´´

Few weeks later after Pastor Guardy wrote this note, they captured a 21 foot Crocodile from that region .We are very thankful to our heavenly father for protecting our local Ministry partner Pastor Guardy and bringing him back save from this ministry to the people of the swamp,Hallelujah.

The people in the swamp are still not sure if this is the crocodile which killed the girl 2 years ago.