Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mindanao Mission
Community development in the Garbage Dump
Land fill area.October /Nov 2010

The HFPC International Mission also helps with community development whenever the heavenly father opens a door for that,we are trying to improve the lives in the community´s ,using the resources our father in heaven provides for us by his grace and love for us his children.

Free use of rain water,Solar energy,herbal plants,all are natural resources we are blessed with.A watertank in the community collects the rain water which can be used for washing the cloths,boiling and used for drinking,even for taking a shower

This time the old watertanks in the garbage Dump were useless,have done their work,so the father in heaven put in my heart to get an new one ,a bigger one with 3000 Liter capacity,the old ones ill be taken apart and put togehter to one ,the parts which are useless will be used as scrap.
These were the old watertanks

Here you see the new 3000 Liter watertank delivered

The old tanks are picked up and the parts which are still o will be put together to one tank

The Local people are helping to install and place the watertank in the right positionto level it.In the Philippines we don´t a lifter or crane,poeple are doing work instead of using a maschine

This is the location of the new installed Watertank

This is the place where we installed the watertank